Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Silicon Valley Open Studios

Almost half of the artists at Viewpoints Gallery will be participating in Silicon Valley Open Studios during the first weeks of May. This is a wonderful opportunity to see more works by Cheryl Kampe, Karen White, Terri Hill, Carol Mead, Jean Prophet, and to talk to them about their work. For more information go to

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Kathleen Alexander

We are thrilled to announce our newest artist member. Kathleen Alexander is an award winning artist with a national reputation for her dramatic watercolors. See her work at Viewpoints beginning May 3. More of Kathleen's work can be seen at

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Diana Exhibits in Oklahoma

Diana Jaye attended the opening of her exhibit "Primary Plus White" at the Malinda Berry Fisher Art Gallery at the Oklahoma State University. All her paintings in this exhibit are done on location using just four tubes of paint. I hope she will post some images.
And did you know Diana's college degree was in fashion merchandising?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Running a gallery involves meetings and the question has come up 'Where to you guys meet?" Here's what our meetings look like.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bay Area Birds

Yeah!!! My show is up!!